You may experience some difficulty or complexity when trying to activate all these plans. Perhaps, you desire to use Hulu on your PC, you might find it a bit difficult. However, this is the purpose of this article. We will discuss the various steps you need to take to activate Hulu on any device type.

What you need to activate Hulu

To activate Hulu to function on any device, there are certain things you need to put in place first. First, Hulu subscription is needed. It is important that you have a Hulu sub with relevant applications to run it on the particular device. Also, if you want to make use of the activation code, a PC is needed. Alternatively, it can also be done via your smartphone’s web browser,

Step-by-Step Guide to Activate Hulu on your Device

This step is important because there might be a time when you want to use Hulu on other devices and unfortunately, after downloading the application, it would end up asking you to sign in all over again. This can be a little tiring. Because of this, you will need to write down your password and username all over again. The same procedures also continue for other devices. Irrespective of this, there are easier ways to minimize the login time. What you will simply need to do is to make use of the ‘Activate’ option that Hulu provides all its users. What does the activate feature do? It gives you an activation code that you will use to activate the device you want to use Hulu on.  The activation code Hulu provides shares similarities with One-time password (OTP) which you have to input on the device that you want to use Hulu on.

What is the usefulness of the activate feature? The feature is particularly useful for those devices that don’t have a keyword such as Gaming Consoles. When a device doesn’t have a keyword, it is often difficult and tiring to continue typing your complete password and username. What may annoy you the most is when you input the wrong password and username. Therefore, this would have made you waste a lot of time. Despite this, you don’t have to worry as there are ways you can avoid the annoyance. All you have to do is follow the below guide and steps diligently.

Step 1

The very first step to activating Hulu on any device is to download the application on that particular device that you wish to activate Hulu.

Step 2

The second step is to visit the Hulu activation page in order to get the code.  

Step 3

After accessing the Hulu activation page, you will be required to log in first before you can proceed. All you have to do is type in your username and password and log in to your account.

Step 4

Once you have successfully logged in, you will see the activation code provided by the platform.

Step 5

After accessing the activation code, the next step is to make a switch to the particular device you desire to use Hulu on. After this, open the application.

Step 6

After completing step 5, the next step is to activate the device. Instead of you to log in, just simply tap on the ‘Activate this device on a computer’ option.

Step 7

The last step is to input the code you were provided on the website. You will be given a section where you will have to type in the activation code; simply do so. Once you have done this, your device will be immediately activated without delay.

How to check devices activated on your Hulu account

Once you activate a new device on your Hulu account, you will be sent a notification via email. Hulu always ensures you are provided with a notification. If you have lost access to the mail, there are other means to get the notification. You can easily check the activated devices on your Hulu account. With this, you can have full control over the devices as you can sign out from any of them whenever and any time you want without the fear of having to input your password and username all over again when signing in.

Steps to activate Hulu using Disney+ Application

Hulu doesn’t only provide Hulu’s combo; it also provides Disney+ combo. What this means is that the moment you use the combo to subscribe to Disney+, you’ll automatically get Hulu. Once you do this, you will get an email notification to activate Hulu. Alternatively, you can do it manually if you did not use the email activation. In case you aren’t sure about this, you can get your Hulu activated via the Disney+ Application. All you have to do is follow these steps.


Hulu is one of the best streaming platforms you can use to stream your favorite movies, TV Shows, and TV series. You can use it on various devices without having to log in every time you access the application on a different device. All you have to do is follow the steps we have discussed above.

How to Activate Hulu on Any Device   Preesite com - 11How to Activate Hulu on Any Device   Preesite com - 22How to Activate Hulu on Any Device   Preesite com - 19How to Activate Hulu on Any Device   Preesite com - 63How to Activate Hulu on Any Device   Preesite com - 53How to Activate Hulu on Any Device   Preesite com - 35How to Activate Hulu on Any Device   Preesite com - 39How to Activate Hulu on Any Device   Preesite com - 73How to Activate Hulu on Any Device   Preesite com - 82How to Activate Hulu on Any Device   Preesite com - 60