What to Use Cleaning Crocs

Cleaning Crocs: The Procedure

There are three types of crocs depending on the material that is rubber crocs, crocs with fur, and leather. These different crocs require different methods of cleaning and cleaning materials to get rid of the dirt.

Rinse Crocs- using regular water before doing a deep clean, rinse off the rubber crocs with plain water to remove the first layer of dirt. Prepare a Soap Mixture- pour a small amount of mild soap or dish detergent into a bucket of warm water. Mix the soap with water well. If the crocs are very dirty, add bleach to the water. Let the Crocs Soak- put your crocs in the sop mixture and allow them to soak before scrubbing them. Cleaning Stinky Crocs- use a scrub brush or a rag to scrub off the dirt. You can still use a toothbrush to clean inside the vent holes or other areas you can’t reach. Use Magic Eraser- if the dirt isn’t washing off, try to use a magic eraser to eliminate the tough stains. Rub the eraser over the stains until they disappear. Rinse the Crocs – rinse your crocs with plain, cool water. Later dry them with a towel or airdry them. Remember to avoid leaving your crocs out in the sun as heat can cause damage, making white crocs turn yellow.

How to Clean Crocs with Fur? ( winter crocs)

These are the crocs used during the winter that have a sheep-like lining to keep your feet warm. What You Need

Absorbent powder Water Shampoo

 The Procedure

Cleaning Canvas Crocs

Canvas crocs need a different cleaning approach. Before cleaning, you need to remove the laces to make it easy. What You Need

Water Bucket Mild soap Brush Laundry Stain Remover Sponge


How to Clean Crocs with Fur that Don’t Come Out

Handwash the lining using mild soap and cold or lukewarm water if the fur doesn’t come out. Brush any visible dirt out of the fur and rinse it well.  Hang the crocs in the line or set them outside in the sun to dry.  Remember to avoid heat drying the Crocs or leave them to dry in the sun for too long. Check this too: How to Clean Glass Shower Doors

Can I Put Crocks in the Washing Machine?

You can’t put your crocs in the washing machine as exposure to heat may cause the Croslite material to shrink. But if you need to use a washer, use cold water and don’t dry them. Instead, leave them to air dry but remember doing this too often can distort the rubber.

How Can I Make My Crocs White Again?

You can use a clean magic eraser and bleach if it’s soiled.  Apply the eraser and gently scrub to remove the dirt. Later add bleach in water and soak the crocs. After scrubbing the dirt with a brush, rinse the crocs thoroughly and allow them to dry.


Depending on the type of crocs you have, you can use the soap and soak method to clean, use absorbent powder and vacuum, use bleach and a magic eraser. Crocs are comfortable shoes to put on at home and have a straightforward cleaning way to ensure you enjoy them.